Sarah Maguire


Sarah has worked in health and social care sector since the mid 80's when she began supporting people to move out of long stay institutions back to their communities.

Sarah completed her MA in Applied Psychology of Learning Disability Services and began work at Choice Support, formerly Southwark Consortium. She has been part of its growth from a single borough organisation in South East London to a National provider.

Sarah took up the role of Managing Director at Choice Support in 2016 where she continued to support people with disabilities take more control of their lives. In November 2017 Sarah became the Chief Executive of the Partnership Support Group following the merger of Choice Support and mcch and is now the Chief Executive of the newly formed Choice Support.

Sarah is the Chair of Learning Disability England, a Trustee of the Association of Mental Health, a member of the NHS leaders Panel and is on the advisory panel for the Access Charity.


Chris Hale


Tracey Gyateng