Annual Report 2024

Access Social Care began in 2020, and it’s hard to believe that we are now approaching our 5th birthday. Yet with over 400,000 people on a waiting list to have a social care assessment and at least 2.6 million with an unmet social care need, our work has never been more vital.

As we transition from a start-up to a maturing organisation, it is an exciting time for our team of more than 40 employees who are all working tirelessly to fight for the rights of individuals with unmet social care needs. Our extraordinary colleagues often go above and beyond what is reasonable to ensure people with social care needs obtain the right support, and I would like to thank them for the profound difference they make to people’s lives, as is illustrated by case studies like this one, described in the report.

Case Study showing how ASC successfully advocated for a client to retain a lease car in order to meet essential needs.

Annual Report Cover page


Annual Report 2023